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Since 2010, the Warehouse PAC has showcased both classic and contemporary theatre productions, starring professionally-trained actors engaging “up-close and personal” with audiences for a truly unique experience. Audiences see every nuance of the actor’s work.

“... (Warehouse) is unafraid to program the
  small space with plays...that
pack a wallop.”
                                  - Page Leggett, Lake Norman Magazine 

Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche, 2016

We are artist-driven...

We pride ourselves on being an artist-driven company. Our show choices come from theatre artists knowledgeable about both theatre history AND what is happening on the larger theatre scene. We talk and listen to our area artists, and we strive to be bold in our selections of work that will engage, entertain, and surprise our audiences.... So, we take a leap of faith and ask that you trust us. Like any professional field, we strive to provide you with what you didn't even know you wanted.

Psycho Beach Party, 2017

Women Who Steal, 2010

We like it up close and personal...

Our intimate 21' x 19' Black Box stage offers a unique experience — there is little separation or distance, between audience and actor. As a result, our performances are accessible to people in ways that larger venues cannot provide.  (Not that we don't love those big beautiful spaces with moving scenery and amazing spectacle, but the WPAC experience is pretty dang cool.) Audiences get a rare opportunity to see closely actors engaged in their role. The intimacy of the venue creates a “community living room" like none other.

“Warehouse is my lifeline to creativity.”
                                               - Lynn Dausmann, writer

Constellations, 2016

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